S100 Thermostat Troubleshooting Guide
- Do I need to leave my computer on?
- Do I need to keep my modem/router/hub/switch on?
- Can I access my account from anywhere?
- When will my savings reports be available?
- My device won't turn on: Powering the Simple S100.
- Connecting the S100 to Wi-Fi.
- My thermostat won't register.
My Account
- What happens if I temporarily change my target temperature?
- Why does my target temperature change after I temporarily set my thermostat?
- Is there a warranty on the thermostat and, if so, how long is it under warranty?
- How are Dollar ($) Energy Savings calculated?
- How are Usage Hour savings calculated?
How Do I?
- Reconnect my thermostat?
- Switch modes
- Change the temperature using the thermostat
- Change schedule temperatures
- Portal home page says “Not Connected”?
- Lost or dropped Internet connection?
- Loss of power?
- “Thermostat is Not Installed” message
- “Fix a blank thermostat”
- "Server Unreachable" message?